A Google likes to occasionally make a bit strangely complicated situations. Over the past few months has increased, the functionality of its service Play Music, including a streaming mode for a fee similar to that offered by Spotify and Rdio. Now one would expect that in Mountain View is to further enhance what you already have. Instead, busy at work on a second streaming service, this time branded YouTube.
And if for some time, it was just rumors, the usual ” teardown ” performed by AndroidPolice on the new version of YouTube for Android seems to leave little to the imagination.
We would have the name, as well: Music Pass. The strings found to give more details on what can be expected, and is not to be sorry about.
- Offline playback – Take your music everywhere.
- Listening in the background – Leave playing your music while using other applications.
- Uninterrupted music – No advertising to millions of songs.
Remain general indications, that still leaves the possibility to speculate. AndroidPolice, for example, questions the offline playback, if you involve the only part of the video or audio. Why then specify ” no advertising on millions of songs “? Wanting as well resorting to semantics, one wonders why give a lot to the songs ad-free, instead of saying simply ” no advertising “. Rights issue? It would seem so: the agreements that apply to Play Music are not valid here because it does not cover the music videos. Therefore, we need new separate negotiations with possible clauses that prevent Google to remove the advertising integrally from YouTube Music Pass.

In any case, considering the inclusion of texts and icons for the service inside APK, questions can go from if to when and how. A short? In 2014? Only for Android or iOS? How much will it cost? These are all issues that need to be addressed from YouTube when it deems appropriate. One question, though, we pose it already: why have two separate services? Why not negotiate with record labels to include music videos Play Music, possibly also as add-ons additional mode Unlimited? As I have pointed out elsewhere, YouTube is actually a brand best known to the public than Google Play. Video clips will we commonly expect them right on the ” Tube “, it is there on the first virtual place where I go to if they are willing to see as well as hear, the last of Katy Perry.
Also, are not new to such redundancy, see Play Movies and Movies to YouTube and Movies. Page and associates with good chances are performing as in the case of a film choice, mainly commercial rather than technical, benefiting from a ” double chance ” and leaving the user the ability to choose the service that it deems best suited to its needs. Therefore, we can only sit back and await developments, hoping in the meantime, the introduction of the common video for offline playback (for up to 48 hours) as officially promised some time ago.