If the internal space of your computer is running out, that’s external hard drives take over. For you a buying guide external hard drive that best suits your needs for Mac.
Why choose an external HDD?
How many of you it happened that, after months of common usage of your computer, to launch this strange warning message announcing the running out of memory to disk? In these cases, we run for cover immediately, and alarmed, when the problem is extreme, you try to eliminate anything that is not necessary (perhaps using CleanMyMac 2 of which I invite you to read our review), being able to put a ” patch ” Temporary and gain a few GB free.
But obviously this is not enough, because the storage memory is born to be occupied, and though for the health of the hard drive is always advisable to keep 30-35% free space, it is often impossible.
The main reason is certainly the distribution of hard drives with poor memory, especially when it comes to laptops. This may seem an inefficient market, but in reality, it is not so large memory require more resources to be managed, so more performance and use more energy to use. In the case of laptops, we cannot expect Tera and space integrated except among a number of years, while in the fixed solutions, something is already materializing. But why do this expansion?
The evolution of memories is certainly not due to the need to store millions of files in most, and SSDs are living proof. More memories that have bloated, the primary need is to have fast memories. If we reflect for a moment on the fact that the two are inversely proportional plus (more than one disk is large, the greater the time required for the operation), then it’s no wonder. The computer thanks to SSD are able to start in extremely short times, and often especially when their size does not exceed 128 GB (the Macbook Pro with SSD for example, is a considerable processor completely different compared to the starting product).
But if in daily use, we do not need to rummage through millions of files (except rare cases guinness), because hard drives are getting bigger? The answer is summed up in a simple acronym: HD. No, it stands for Hard Disk, but High Definition.
Over the years, the field of digital electronics has focused on the development chart, offering increasingly high-performance video cards are able to render textures with lifelike detail and high resolution screens, which are accessible from the photos and video of the new generation.
The gradual transition to high definition brings with it one of the biggest flaws in terms of archiving, or increasing the size (or weight) of files. It is for this reason that the magnitudes of the memories of every kind grow (see Blu-ray). Cameras improve, produce multimedia smartphones more and more high-level resolutions increase. But if there is a need for space, and computers cannot handle components of disproportionate size ensuring excellent performance, how do you? Simple, using the external memories.
External hard drives are a great storage solution that does not rely on the primary system, and are an established company for several years. Combining them with the internal memories (if SSD is better), give rise to a real expansion of file management, which is useful for virtually all types of users who have one or more computers.
The external HD are excellent companions for the conduct of practical transfer or backup, as also mentioned in the guide on Time Machine for Mac regard latter are strongly recommended to protect the integrity of your computer. So, let’s focus on what is an external hard drive, what are the characteristics, and according to which criterion is good to choose their own external storage solution?
External Hard Drive: size and power to choose
External hard drives are removable devices that allow storage as mentioned files via a connection to a main computer, be it, a computer or a console. In contrast to the internal HDD, mount a case that allows the transmission, impact resistance, and connectivity through various types of doors, almost always USB 3.0.
Although technically are several criteria to considerable respect, the substantial differences in terms of usage are found mainly in size and type of feeding. The size of the hard drives generally means with the diameter in inches of the disc rotation present in them. The standards to consider today are two: 3.5″, from the more consistent volume indicated for resistance and for use on the desk (the size is identical to that of the hard disk mounted internally in tower computer), and 2.5″, smaller and lighter easily portable (the size corresponds to the internal HDD installed on laptops).

The type of power supply instead, perhaps most important distinction, it is a measure which indicates the way in which the external disk feeding, or if it is self-powered, or has an external power supply. The discs are almost always self-powered 2.5″ and allow the plug and play operation, using one or two USB ports to power your external drive.
Although they are recommended for ease of use, is to be considered that the self-supply represents a bond to the terminal, and that in cases of discs of old generation (2.0), two USB for the connection may be too many for use on your laptop or on consoles, in some of which the USB ports also play the role of door’s refreshment for the controllers. As you may have understood accordingly the flaw of the disks to an external power supply is in need of an outlet always near.
Illustrates these two basic criteria, and specified that you should always orient toward USB 3.0, let’s see what are the best solutions at an economical price for storing files on an external storage ” desktop “, or in a fixed location, and transport, high portability.
External hard drive from the table for you.
The file storage is often closely connected to a main computer, which is usually a desktop computer or a laptop that you use often on your desk at work, maybe even for backup. For this type of application, it is advisable to choose solid hard drive, 3.5 ” externally powered (it is assumed that near your desk, there are several outlets), and with a simple design aesthetically ready to adapt to all surface’s job.
Hard drives, although ” desk “, external devices are always extremely mobile, but the 3.5” disks are certainly not practical as the younger brothers of 2.5 “. It is also true that, for journeys not constant with frequency. External hard drives are a real salvation, even when it comes to having to change the desk with his laptop.
WD Elements Desktop![WD-Elements-Desktop]()
The first solution is proposed by Western Digital, a leader in the sector, which has thought of a simple desktop product: WD Elements Desktop. The external hard drive in question is a 3.5″ externally powered, equipped with a very simple design which features almost all the company’s products. With a thickness and solidity really very important, Elements Desktop is a great solution for those who need a computer that memory for both consoles (particularly the design goes to the Playstation 3). It is available for purchase on Amazon in two denominations of memory, 1TB and 2TB respectively. We advise you to choose the second solution for the excellent value quantity / price, even if it’s only USB 2.0 and does not meet the new standards 3.0. Obviously, if you do not have computers of new generation.
Toshiba Canvio ![Toshiba 2TB Canvio Desk]()
Two other proposals coming from Toshiba, the manufacturer of the hardware of choice coiner of the Canvio Series, a line of external hard drives really interesting. Two of these, although to have different serial number (questionable choice), are an excellent choice for those who love the industrial design, and want to reflect his taste on your external hard drive. These support Canvio is available on Amazon in black 2 TB (HDWC120XK3J1), and in black and white 3 TB (HDWC130XK3J1). We can only advise him, especially for the USB 3.0 and for the price.
WD My Book![WD My Book]()
The rest of the desktop solutions you propose are once again produced by Western Digital, and almost all belong to the My Book line. Among these, the most suitable for the desk are the WD My Book, WD My Book Studio and WD My Cloud. Regarding WD My Book simple, let’s talk about an external hard drive that is probably the best offer on the market today. It has a solid structure and a particularly inspired design to verticality, appearing in garments almost similar to a console. Obviously, in this case we are talking about a 3.5 ” model with significant size, and comes with an external power supply. It has USB 3.0 and comes in denominations of 2 TB, 3 TB, and 4 TB. The value for money is very good.
WD My Cloud and My Book Studio ![WD My Cloud]()
A more advanced version is the WD My Cloud, external hard drive like the My Book but with decidedly more cutting-edge designs and materials. This, as well as to prepare a new-generation USB 3.0 transfer offers the possibility to be connected via Ethernet to a router for a configuration as a network drive accessible by all computers connected. It is to all intents and purposes a solution clouding staff from a generously sized, and would recommend it to all. Its use is strongly recommended for those who have multiple computers and want to have access to their stored data anywhere, anytime, anyhow. It is available on Amazon in denominations of 2TB, 3TB and 4TB. The latest proposal is that we recommend Western Digital My Book Studio external memory more professional with a metal case, clean design, and compatibility to USB 3.0 detached from the power. The product is obviously designed purely to strongly resist wear over time, has an excellent cooling system, and is recommended for all those who love the performance but also the design. It is available on Amazon in four versions, each of 1TB, 2TB, 3TB and
Toshiba Canvio Portable![toshiba canvio 1tb usb 3]()
Instead different line Stor.e Canvio which, while being provided with very similar specifications, has a more refined design influenced by the use of materials more details. Also in this case it is products USB 3.0, and the substantial difference can be placed only in cosmetic appearance. Toshiba Canvio is a most versatile line also designed for the younger ones, and it is available in multiple colors on Amazon: Black Colour (500 GB – 1 TB – 1.5 TB). The brand acts as a guarantee, do not underestimate this aspect.
Samsung M3 ![Samsung M3 1tb]()
Another interesting external hard drive offers the Samsung, a company that usually does not devote much space to the memories. This signed STSHX-M101TCB, is decidedly unusual in robes, with a particular plot in cadres coupled to pads that give the surface a sort of sense of three-dimensionality. USB 3.0 and compatible with reduced size, this hard drive is a really interesting product, especially for the young audience. It is on special offer on Amazon cutting 1TB.
WD Elements Portable![WD Elements Portable]()
Three equally valid solutions are proposed to us once again from Western Digital, part of storage giant that offers three exciting models of external hard drives: Elements portable and My Passport Ultra. Elements is a product that occupies a particular market segment in which there are the ” feature disk “, or the HDD that with simplicity are based on the performance of the main purpose. Also in this case we are faced with a 2.5 “, though the volume is slightly emphasized by a design quite fat. WD is always a guarantee, and suggest to those who have special needs for space to buy WD Elements Portable older generation (that we specify is USB 3.0) on Amazon in denominations of 500 GB and 1 TB. Who really needs more storage space heartily to recommend the new WD Elements Portable USB 3.0 hard disk with a decidedly very slim and elegant for any occasion, in denominations of 1 TB and 2 TB; always on Amazon.
WD My Passport Ultra ![WD My Passport Ultra]()
An alternative is much more versatile and complete the WD My Passport Ultra, external hard drive best suited for those who are not content with little. Its structure consists of an ultra-compact form that guarantees the product with high portability, as well as a more than interesting design, designed for those who want to store their files with high interest but also the aesthetic aspect. My Passport is moreover, one of the disks more reliable and faster on the market today. I would strongly recommend to all types of users as it is without a doubt the best external hard drive 2.5 “. The product is available on Amazon at a great bargain and in more colours: Black, Blue, Gray and Red. Size 500 GB, 1 TB and 2 TB.