How to change the brightness on Mac

Knowing how to change the brightness on the Mac is not difficult, but obviously like many other operations for those who switch from Windows to Mac can be difficult at first: all we have to do is follow these simple steps to know all the modify where it is possible do it, and also how to enable a particular mode called Night Shift: this mode is a novelty first introduced on Apple portable devices such as the iPhone, and then was also carried on the Mac as it had been very successful.

Increase or decrease the brightness of the screen

To increase or decrease the brightness of the screen, we can use the physical keys on each Mac, those in the row placed immediately above the numbers: the key depicting a small sun will decrease the brightness of the screen of our Mac, instead the one depicting a big sun it will allow us to increase it to our liking.

You can also change the brightness of the screen via software from the settings of your Mac under ” Screen “, setting accordingly the desired brightness by acting on the bar.

Adjust the keyboard backlight

In addition to the brightness of the screen, we can also adjust the backlight of our physical keyboard: to decrease it, we will not have to do anything but press the button representing a small bar surrounded by rays, while to increase it we will have to click on the adjacent button representing a bar big surrounded by rays.

This is very useful when we are having to use our Mac to write at night or otherwise in low light, allowing us to identify letters and numbers on the keyboard without the need to turn on the light.

Enable Night Shift mode

The Night Shift mode is a special mode that automatically manages the brightness of the screen, and after sunset (or after a time set by us) automatically changes the tones of our screen making them softer and warmer in order to promote sleep who is using the computer.

The mode has been introduced by less than one year on all Apple devices, receiving a great success from users. It should also be said that there are also many medical studies to support the usefulness of this modality, as it has been proven that it favors to improve the quality and duration of sleep of people who use it compared to normal users.

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