Video games are always a ” must ” for Christmas, and if you have to list a present for a fan of wrestling with WWE 2K14, then go on the safe side. It is not just the fact that the title of 2K Sports is the only official present on the market, but also its implementation. The guys at Yuke’s, who had dealt with the brand of Vince McMahon even at the time of THQ, they started at a good pace to create an intense game and addictive, which currently takes advantage of the full potential offered him by the platforms Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
Waiting to see what will be combined with the next-generation consoles, we admire what for now is the best wrestling game on the market.
Let’s start first by saying that this is a title dedicated to fans. Do not think of being able to give even casual players as you would a Mortal Kombat, you risk a hole in the water. In order to appreciate the ” sports entertainment ” world’s most famous, it is necessary to know and understand the spirit. Not really a sport, but not a complete fiction as many mistakenly believed.
Removed from the field this misconception, we are faced with a game without a doubt exciting and visually satisfying. Its best feature, though, is the roster. Thanks to the inclusion of the exceptional mode ” 30 years of Wrestlemania “,the number of wrestlers available is really huge, almost impressive. The current roster may not be updated, but the past is full of absolute stars of the world of wrestling.
Thanks to this stratagem, the 2K Sports has been able to enter the game even fighters currently under contract with rival federations, such as the immortal Hulk Hogan. With him, the biggest stars of Wrestlemania, as the Ultimate Warrior, Ted DiBiase, Macho Man Randy Savage and many others, all to unlock.

The mode ” 30 Years of Wrestlemania ” will drop tears to the eyes of all the fans, perfectly recreating the atmosphere and the sound of the great events of the past. Struggling on the ring of Wrestlemania, both past and present, you can also encounter a special ” mini-game ” called Wrestlemania Moments, which according to the keys at the right time will trigger a cut scene of emphasis and showmanship, which may or may less decide the match.
Staying on graphics, amazing how they were made arenas, even today, the commentary and even the on-screen graphics. If you fight in an arena from the 80s, the graphics will follow this same style.
It almost seems to see a movie of the era. The only ” flaw ” of the graphics, if you will, is a certain coarseness of the wrestlers, along with some entertainment, and maybe a little excessive self-esteem on the part of some. It can tell us what they want, but Andre the Giant had a nice little bacon more than what we see. It is of details, which does not absolutely preclude the experience. Everything is designed to remember the smallest details of wrestling television experience, and the mission is accomplished without a doubt.
The controls are perhaps one of the few things that did not settle on the highest levels. As fans will know, wrestling is not just a matter of punches and kicks, but also the sockets and showmanship. Each wrestler has his signature moves and his way of fighting and will not always be easy to adapt to a certain style of fighting rather than to another. You can enable or disable the help screen, which allow you to get information on when to press the button or not to prevent a stroke or a socket.
Compared to the past, WWE 2K14 becomes a crucial push the button at the right time, instead of frantically press. This makes it a part of the defense less frustrating and more tactical, the other perhaps the whole thing becomes too simple and tremble to think of a really good match with someone on the web would not come bet that not even a shot. Not even by mistake.

Speaking of game modes, in addition to the 30 Years of Wrestlemania, we have the usual roundup of the match divided into categories, the normal one-on-one up to the brutal Match Hell or a Hell in a Cell In these cases, you can even fight for the sample of belt’s category. Here too, the 2K Sports wanted to exaggerate: there are almost all the belts in WWE history, and not only, from the classics such as the World Heavyweight Champion 80s (named with the initials WWF WWE instead of the known events of copyright ) to those invented as the Million-Dollar Title Di Biase.
Also intriguing are the way’s Streak, in which one must retrace the outstanding record of wins at Wrestlemania Undertaker and the WWE Universe in which we will be able to turn into the General Manager and manage every single episode of the show, the rivalries, the PPV and title match.
We close with the last great gem: the editor. As usual, you can edit and share virtually the online universe. We can create wrestlers, arenas, moves, finishers, and always thrilling storyline into the ring of our samples, with lots of music and announcement microphone. Amazing the amount of detail you can change: those who have patience will really be able to create real masterpieces. Those who prefer to do things faster, you can always download from the Web creations of other users.
Finally, with a roster that does not hesitate to define ” record “, a great sound, endless game mode and gameplay all in all, decent, though not perfect, WWE 2K14 is a regal one for any fan. The graphics may not be exceptional, and some animations are a bit too woody (think, for example, to run Ultimate Warrior), but remains equally on very high level. Are you ready to fight for the title?