Those who go under the name of ChromeBook laptops are very special. As the name suggests these devices include the operating system Chrome OS, an unconventional choice for a notebook, to which is added the even more anomalous position of being able to be used to their full possible only with a web connection is active.
Initially viewed with suspicion by many, is unknown to the operating system, and above all to the need for the connection (because everything relies on cloud apps), these systems are gradually climbing the ladder of public acceptance, especially in the USA and in academia.
Of note, the popular site Amazon in the U.S. version, see at the forefront of best-selling notebook ChromeBook just a model.
Those expecting a setback as a result of very limited success, until now, he was wrong: IDF San Francisco Intel and Google have jointly announced the commercialization of new systems based on a system operatic Chrome OS, which will be equipped with Haswell processor family.

Two models of the ChromeBook will be built by HP and Acer (respectively HP ChromeBook 14 and Acer ChromeBook ), then going to renew the range already present in their lists. Instead make their debut in the world Chrome OS Toshiba and ASUS, the latter with a solution that goes to differentiate themselves from the competition.