Corsair, case series Carbide SPEC-06 and SPEC-06 RGB: simplicity with a touch of design
Four in total the available color / lighting combinations, ie white or black houses with RGB lighting, or white houses with white LEDs or black houses with red LED.
Corsair adds a further model to its already extensive catalog of homes, presenting four versions of the Carbide series precisely of the SPEC-06 model in standard and RGB versions.
In general, we find standard shapes in about 523x296x553 mm of maximum dimensions for about 7.8 kg of weight, single side panel in tempered glass, steel frame and a sinuous front combined with a lighting effect of monochromatic or RGB depending on the versions.
Four in total the available color / lighting combinations, ie white or black houses with RGB lighting, or white houses with white LEDs or black houses with red LED.
Inside, we find a classic layout with two horizontally separated compartments, able to host Mini-ITX, MicroATX and ATX motherboards, video cards up to 370 mm long, power supplies up to 180 mm and heat sinks for processors up to 170 mm in height; storage space for up to four 2.5″ SSDs and two 3.5″ HDD.
Ample space for cooling systems: a maximum of six 120 mm fans can be installed and alternatively, suitably arranged, radiators of 120, 140, 240, 280 and even 360 on the front panel; large grilled surface for the top panel, openings all equipped with removable dust filters for a cleaner system.
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