GIMP 2.10 has been officially released: Multi-thread, GPU processing
GIMP finally arrives at version 2.10, after six years of development: a long wait but ends with many new features, starting from multi-threading and support for processing through GPU.
It is finally official, after six years of development, GIMP 2.10. The well-known open source program for editing and creating images thus comes to a new stable version that finally delivers in the hands of users much long-awaited news.
The first is undoubtedly the user interface, renewed and now able to support several themes already included in the basic configuration: the presence of a dark theme and new themes of monochromatic icons stand out. There is no lack of support for high-density screens (HiDPI).
Much more significant are the progress made with GEGL, the image-processing library whose development began with GIMP 2.6; GEGL now takes care of managing all the tiles and constructs an acyclic graph for each project: the goal is to get an editor with non-destructive modifications for version 3.2. The benefits already present now include multi-thread support and GPU processing (with OpenCL).
It is now possible to set masks on groups of levels, thanks to a new management of the same, as well as having a more precise automatic selection in borderline cases such as hair. Among the novelties for the artists, we find the possibility to use filters like the mirror and the ” tiled ” repetition of a motif (tiling); photographers, on the other hand, can rely on filters such as exposure, shadows and lights, high-pass, wavelet decompose, panoramic projection. GIMP 2.10 introduces the modification of panoramic photographs.
GIMP 2.10 is available for all major platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux). Further details can be found on the official announcement of the project.