Google Enterprise grows even more, and it is proposed under a whole new face. The Big G has decided to revolutionize its cloud software dedicated to companies and infrastructure through more powerful and varied, opened its tools even to those who were previously not had access, from the developers to anyone who might be interested. It may seem a news reserved only for the professionals and.
In a strictly technical sense, it is also, but this is the final confirmation of what the Big G‘s belief in the cloud technology and how this new storage system could change our lives in the future not so far away, even in the workplace.
One of the major changes made by the House of Mountain View is without a doubt the Google Cloud Platform, making it more suitable for the development of applications interfaced with their own cloud space for the disposal of the company, no matter how small.
All the ” weapons ” available to developers today can be summed up with the name of Google Compute Engine: a set of virtual machines with very high performance, reliable and scalable, enriched with safety standards of First Instance, the ability to handle any workload and, finally, dedicated technical assistance 24 hours 24 for 7 days per week.

Google has also secured the support of Compute Engine for Linux, particularly Debian and Centos, two of the most popular of its kind in the enterprise. This has enabled the creation of a working environment with the scope and immediately familiar to any distributor. It was also announced compatibility with SUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and FreeBSD. This is supported by a power calculation based on an infrastructure with 16-core processors and up to 104 GB of RAM memory.