How to Change an Apple ID

In this guide, you will find instructions to change or better manage your Apple ID account. Follow step-by-step directions that I have written in below to access your account settings.

If this method does not work, contact the help desk for customers supplied by Apple, which will send you an explanation of other methods for the modification of your Apple ID account.

1.) First, log into your favorite search engine on your computer, and look at the website of Apple, which provides a login or registration of new users to the account ID. Access to the site and looks for the ” Manage Your Account “, you will find at the left of the web page under the heading “Create an Apple ID”.

2.) After selecting the option with the mouse, and you will wait for a request to enter your account details to login, which will give you access to the setting’s menu. Enter your details and wait for the opening of the settings list. Then you will have the possibility to change the language of the website and select the one you prefer. You can also change shipping addresses, choose a new password for increased security of the site, change the telephone numbers that you have given as an address, or even change the address main e-mail and insert another one or change the name of your account.

3.) To change the e-mail account, you have to look to the left of the folder of the site, where there is a column with the options you can change, look for the list item ” Name, ID and e-mail address ” and select it. Next, you will open the menu where you can change the name Apple ID and below this, you can replace the address of the account. Make sure before you do this to have a second e-mail address to be entered. After editing you need, click on the ” Save Changes “, which will store your changes and apply them.

Now you have made your changes to your address, but you can also change the other elements by going to select in the left column and accessing the editing options. At that point, you can just play the same directions as before to change other parts of your Apple ID account. So you can also keep your data up to date.

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