How to put the alarm on your Macbook

Anyone who has a Macbook lives always on your toes! It is feared that without ceasing I’ll steal someone, especially if you are in public places, where in a blink of an eye could be subtracted.

Well, there’s a very easy and very effective because you can night’s sleep, avoiding eye contact always around. Find out how by reading this guide!

Make sure you have at hand: iAlertU Software

1.) To keep safe from your Macbook, you can just download the program from the internet iAlertU, and within minutes, you will have your notebook in an iron barrel. The thing that will electrify you will see that this software will not cost you absolutely nothing, not even a penny! We will take away only 1.9 MB of memory, but you will see that getting it.

2.) Well, get it well with your search engines and when you have found that you just have to start the download and wait for the latter is completed. Once it is downloaded, you will see a folder named iAlertU in that of your downloads. Now click on it and you will find within the ReadMe file and the application’s icon. We advise you to take a look at the ReadMe, so you can also have a clearer idea about the use.


3.) Now click on the application and in an instant, icon will appear to the right in the menu bar (a kind of circular button). Also click on this icon, and it will open a small dialog box where you can choose whether to update the software (if it is an update available), choose your preferences, arming the program or get out of it and in the latter case icon will disappear from the menu bar to make it reappear and you’ll have to turn it back in download ..

4.) At this point, you should click on Preferences, then click on the Alarm and the alarm duration and the degree of sensitivity of the sensors of your Macbook. In the Camera menu, you can select your Webcam (iSight) to capture the image of the ” thief ” (but it’s your choice), while in general, you can choose to enter either password to activate the alarm to lock it.

To turn it off you will not have to do is enter your password on the keyboard, for truncation immediately deafening sound. In addition to email, you can set up an e-mail address where you will be sent the photo of the attacker, so that you can catch him in the act!

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