Huawei opens the Cyber Security Transparency Center in Brussels

Huawei focuses on computer security and opens the Cyber Security Transparency Center in Brussels. The goal is to encourage collaboration between companies and governments to develop new standards and best practices in the field of security.

Contrary to what happens in the United States, where the relationship between the current executive and the Chinese telecommunications giant is stormy, Huawei enjoys excellent relations with the European institutions, and is a protagonist in the development of the new 5G infrastructure.

According to Huawei, the spread of the cloud and new technologies, including 5G, pose new challenges in information security, but there are still many technological and bureaucratic obstacles.

There is a lack of consensus among the various European states on technical standards and best practices, on the other different laws, which further complicate an already complex picture. The Cyber Security Transparency Center wants to give an answer to these problems.

What is the Cyber Security Transparency Center for?

The Cyber Security Transparency Center will perform three functions. The first is the creation of a space where Huawei can display its products and services dedicated to cybersecurity. A sort of showcase, in short, that will serve to illustrate to partners also the security policies and strategies implemented by Huawei, starting from the supply chain to reach the final customer.

The second function of the center is to become a hub to facilitate communication between Huawei and stakeholders, with a view to promoting better standards of shared cyber security.

As a third function, the Cyber Security Transparency Center will offer its customers a platform for testing and verifying products and services.

Trust must be based on facts. Facts must be verifiable and verification must be performed according to shared standards ” – said Ken Hu, Deputy Chairman of Huawei – ” We invite control bodies, standards organizations and clients to use this in depth platform. We hope that thanks to Cyber Security Transparency Center we could collaborate closely for the definition of security standards, verification mechanisms and innovations aimed at information security. […] 

The European Union has approved the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is an open and transparent data protection and privacy standard. We believe that European control bodies are on the right path to lead the international community in terms of cyber security standards and control mechanisms. We are committed to working more closely with all European stakeholders to create a trust system based on facts and verification.

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