Install LAMP is the basis for having a web server configured to well. It is not difficult to install, but requires attention and a minimum knowledge of basic UNIX commands.
LAMP stands for Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP. Where: Linux is a family of Unix-like operating systems. Apache is the most popular web server in the world. MySQL is a database based on SQL. PHP is one of the most widely used web programming languages. Let’s see how to install and configure LAMP in working order in a few simple steps.
1.) First, we need to provide a Linux operating system. After you have to get Apache, MySQL, PHP. The easiest way to get these packages is to download Synaptic (Package Manager). Then, open the terminal and insert the following command: sudo apt-get install synaptic. When the installation is finished, open Synaptic. Select from the menu the option Make packages for business and select Lamp server. Synaptic will show all the necessary packages. Install them all.
2.) When installation is complete, we will have obtained all the packages we needed: Apache, MySQL, PHP. Now you have to test them all to make sure the correct operation. Keep in mind that access to MySQL is via the root user with a blank password. To test the proper functioning of the Apache open Mozilla Firefox and look in the top bar the following link: http://localhost, At this point you will find the MySQL operation if you will open a page that says: It Works!
3.) Now we check the correct operation of the PHP package previously installed. Create a test gedit file that contains the following line. And name info.php. Save the file in /var/www ,Done this, open a firefox page and type in the above the following link: http://localhost/info.php. If the installation is successful, you should see the classical PHP information page.
4.) A common problem is the inability to read the files in /var/www as it does not have the root default permissions. In this case you must enable root permissions manually by typing in a terminal the following command line: sudo chmod u= rwx /var/www, If you want to administer direct and intuitive way the MySQL server, we recommend to install a application called phpmyadmin. From selected synaptic phpmyadmin package. At the end you open a firefox page and searching :
http:// localhost/phpmyadmin
Typing root in the username field and leaving the password field blank, you can manage your database in graphical mode.