How to Install Eclipse (IDE)
Very often you may not find the version of Eclipse to install. In addition, those who are not familiar with computer science and only now faces the programming and does not know what programs are needed to start, we invite you to read this simple and comprehensive guide.
Here we will provide all the necessary information for those looking for a single IDE, so that you can program in codes with the same program. We will see, how you can make use of applications totally different from the classic rest editor. An IDE is essentially an integrated programming platform, which is a program that allows you to write other software.
Let’s see,how to proceed.
This guide starts by assuming that you have Java already installed on your computer. First, we recommend that you open a browser to browse the internet (ie Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome) and search on google ” Eclipse IDE “. At that point you should get to the main page of the Eclipse project.
As shown in the figure, click on the button indicated by the pink arrow. At this point, it is right to make a clarification. Eclipse is a java application. For this reason, to be executed, it needs the runtime environment to be installed on your machine. You can download the jre from this address: looking for the version compatible with your Operating System.
At this point, you will be redirected to a page full of various versions of Eclipse, and each of which serves to program specifically for some system. In our case, we are going to download, instead, the complete IDE, which is structured to program Java natively.
However, it may be as we said before, ie extended to compile whatever code we need to run. If you do not know the meaning of those two numbers to the side (32 and 64), you can safely download the version with the 32. Note that this tutorial is made specifically for devices with MAC, so the version to be used is that to 64 bit.
Of course if you do not have a device with MAC, you will need to go to click on your Operating System. The next procedure consists in decompressing the archive in any folder. For example, you can create a folder called ” Eclipse “, in home. Download XCode from the Apple store.
Then you have to click on ” Download XCode “, then go to ” View in MAC Apple Store “. From the Apple Store, it is possible to start the process of downloading the package, simply by clicking on ” free “. So, you need to go to ” install “, keeping in mind that the download may take a few minutes. If the package is already installed on your computer, the button will show the word ” installed “, as shown in the figure below.
Once the download process is complete, you need to click on the file you just downloaded, in order to start the installation. Click on ” Install ” and perform authentication, using the credentials of your Apple account, necessary to complete the installation. Next you have to go to click where it points to the dart, and you will be redirected to a new tab.
At this point, it is necessary to click on the green darts, in case the download does not start automatically. Once the Eclipse installer has been downloaded, you can proceed to the next step. If you are on Win eclipse, you will install it with a normal installer. Instead, if you are on MAC you need to extract the Eclipse-SDK-xxx file. Tar, indicating instead of xxx the various numbers. It can also be extracted using the Stuffitt program or with any other file compression software for OSX.
Extraction of the file
At this point, once you have ” unpacked ” the file in question, you will get a folder that can be safely opened. To install this application on a MAC OSX device, simply return to the upper folder (in our case download), and then drag the Eclipse folder to the ” Applications ” folder. To conclude, you will have finally installed Eclipse, and to start it, just click on it from the dock.