Nokia Lumia phone failing that does not respond to commands or does not turn on? Nokia comes in handy with a recovery tool specifically designed to address these issues.
The phones, you know, every day they become more and more powerful, with screens and cameras to scream and performance until some time ago unimaginable. Unfortunately, remain delicate devices. Sometimes, they stop working for no apparent reason.
Other times, complicit fewer experienced users, begin to show various problems such as slowdowns or unwanted bugs. This also happens on Windows Phone is a platform well-made and which tends, in general, are less likely to highlight these errors and defects in software compared to Android, to make a name.
It can occur the presence of a fault to your terminal that maybe you want to solve groped without passing by the assistance. To do this, we cannot entrust the Nokia Software Recovery Tool, a program developed by the Finnish company to reinstall the operating system from scratch and format the Nokia Lumia.
If the use of this program does not solve anything, you will need to rely on a specialized care: the tool is the same as that used in the technical assistance as a first step to solve the problems mentioned before, but if you were to resubmit it means that found in front of a hardware failure. Caution: It is a software to be used lightly. All data will be deleted, so we recommend that you immediately in the first step here below, if possible, a backup of the device.
Install the Nokia Lumia tool.
First, you must install the program used to restore the function of Lumia phone. To do so, simply click here: will start immediately download the executable file, which is compatible with Windows 7 and 8/8.1 (no version for Mac or Linux is currently available). The installation will take a few minutes and will also update the drivers for the USB connection, convenient option for people who also have to connect the device with your PC.

When you first start, you will be presented with the screen shown next: it will advise you to connect your phone with a standard microUSB-USB cable to the computer (if you had one, even if they are present in the packaging of all phones sold, it can get from here). As you can see, there is also a button ” Phone does not start or stops responding “, which is useful in case the device showed one of two behaviors just mentioned.
Thus, we see the two modes of operation of the program: the first, from device running, the second, by phone switched off or not responding to commands.
Recovery Nokia Lumia
The recovery allows, in one fell swoop, to update the phone software to the latest version available to restore it completely erasing all data on the phone. As a result, it is strongly recommended before you make a backup of the device. To do this, you can rely on our guide on backing up and also the overview of the tool to transfer data from computer to Windows Phone. Again, make sure you save your photos, music and other sensitive information: the deleted data will not be recoverable in any way, being an irreversible process. We suggest, moreover, to remove any microSD card installed in your phone.
Then proceed with the tool: open it and present the view screen before, we recommend to simply connect your phone with the USB cable. Let’s do it, and after the operations of the recognition of the device, the program will offer to install the latest software version available. In doing so, the device will be completely restored and reset, and this may take tens of minutes since it first will download the update from Nokia server operating system.
Needless to say, while the tool works (the phone will have a written Nokia then accompanied by a loading bar). It is essential never disconnect the phone: as a result, make sure that the charge of the same is sufficient and avoid overloading the PC work because even a crash of the application could ruin the device.
It is definitely not a difficult program to use, but do not be fooled by its simplicity: it can resolve dozens of flaws related to software issues, and if not used carefully can do damage. At the end of the process, your Lumia will be like new, just out of the box.
The procedure is basically the same: as shown in the screenshots, you need to connect your phone only when prompted, and press the Continue button. The program will attempt to wake up the device via USB, and you propose to restore it by installing the latest version of software – the same system used previously. We recommend this groped in case you decide to bring the phone in for service anyway: as you can see, the process involves restoring the Nokia Lumia, thus preserving your privacy in case the repairer could see the contents of the memory device.
If you will not turn on, it is possible that with the tool, there is nothing to do. Should instead appear to screen the word Nokia, the program should be able to carry out its operations. If everything goes well, the Lumia will greet you with the message ” Hello! I’m your Windows Phone, ” a sign that your problem may have finally solved without going hand is official. You will then need to reset the various data (such as the Microsoft account, the Wi-Fi networks, and time zone) to go back to use your phone, and you can also recover data from the backup made earlier.