More and more everyday objects are becoming ” smart “. Phones, watches, televisions. These are making an incredible evolution, taking in a few mm more features previously the preserve of only the set-top box, inspired by the experience of use in operating systems of smartphones and tablets, of course, adapting to an environment that sees the remote control as the primary means of input.
In these early years, despite more or less all manufacturers have introduced in their catalog Smart TV, to take seriously the foot was Samsung, with a platform full of potential, and third-party applications. This has given them a market in which to act freely from the reach of Google, in contrast to what needs to happen with the Galaxy, a freedom that has cost the company a lot of Mountain View, which has tried to respond through the Google TV platform, but with little success.
This opens early 2014 with new assumptions to make a further leap in quality, thanks to new hardware, including curved screens, much appreciated by smartphones lately as well, and a global ecosystem of software and multimedia services is constantly growing.
It is probably in the virtual are focusing more movements. After the bad ending as a mobile operating system, Palm / HP webOS is back today to talk about themselves thanks to the intensive care unit of LG, which has moved (for now?) Use on televisions. A flexible platform, thanks to Enyo framework, and that keeps albeit with some differences the focal point already present in the previous life: the user experience.
The interface is nice and straightforward to use, we could even say horizontal, since as explained by the development team at The Verge this will be the most common movement that will make the user navigate through the various elements. The main apps all seem to be already on board, thus avoiding putting it at a disadvantage compared to the initial platform from Samsung.
Of course, it will still take a while so that take place in dedicated areas of the store, and electronics are accommodated software defects typical of young products. But it’s nice to see how LG has already given a second chance at webOS, not wasting the good work had been done in the old days and on further developing ourselves, we hope that this time the system will be well rewarded by sales figures. Of course, Samsung will be met with a more experienced and one novice Roku TV. This, perhaps, might be what comes closest to an ” ideal ” smart TV Apple TV be replicated to the good already done with the set-top-box Roku, which has proven successful in America and begin to be note in the UK, have a simple and effective, along with one application store well stocked
. We do not find time for brands to cry extended to support the new platform, but probably this is also good for Roku TV, as it can give space to companies without a valid software support would have had no chance colliding with big. It is not excluded that they can get, view the licensing Free (revenues will come from advertising present in the app-channels).
Competition does not necessarily have an integrated screen, though. There are also set-top box, such as the previously aforementioned Roku and the Apple TV, and there are consoled like Xbox and PlayStation 4 One. Sony has just caught the ball on the bounce offered by the CES to announce not only the cloud gaming service PlayStation Now, but also offer to comprise both channels of live and on-demand, with the ability to record events.

Almost all Japanese-branded hardware products are involved: PS3 / 4, PS Vita, smart TV and Xperia range, for a total of over 70 million compatible devices. If we consider that a giant Sony is also as regards the production of films and music, the potentials for a quality service are all there. And to fight on equal terms, even Microsoft is working on series exclusive to the Xbox platform, including one dedicated to the popular Halo series of video games.
Looking at just the media content offered, now there is almost spoiled for choice. Although there is still a trace of Netflix and Amazon’s Lovefilm, Italy is no longer free streaming services for movies and TV series in December 2013 Infinity Party of Mediaset, Sky while we talk in March, with a similar shape. Now in UK Sky TV’s older sister that adds to the mix linear channels and sporting events. There is a need to bind to the pay-as in the case of TV and Sky Go Premium Play / On Demand. You just pay the fee for a month’s access and then enjoy the libraries on multiple devices in the living room and on the move. When the offer meets most or just does not feel the need to renew it for that month, a click and friends as before. ” Free choice, many supported devices, few constraints: all things that by their very nature, the traditional formats of pay television cannot provide and that the owners are realizing with the right advance.

But the future promises further evolution, that neither Sky nor Mediaset will stop completely. More and more media conglomerates are sniffing the opportunity streaming legal, which gives them the opportunity to be untied as intermediaries to offer their product to the paying public. The fresh example came from the WWE Vince McMahon, the most famous wrestling federation in the world by launching its own online network, with a show both live and on-demand, totally disconnected from the cable and satellite providers, which contributed so much to develop between ’80 and ’90 with pay-per-view success as Wrestlemania.
Provider will not be abandoned, since the WWE intends to continue to offer the meetings of John Cena, CM Punk (some lovers have long recognized my visual appeal to this character) and the other darlings of the public even on traditional media. But for the most loyal, $10 per month for seeing all the annual pay-per-view instead of buying them individually at much more expensive price represents an opportunity too good not to take it.
The reactions were swift, like DirecTV has already announced that a thorough reflection on the process of renewal of the broadcasting contracts in place. The WWE Network will be an isolated case? The lower altitudes seem to be on no, we could be just in front of a bulldozer.
As the title suggests, an ecosystem more and more smart. From hardware to software to get to the individual content providers. Sure, there is room for improvement. Graphical user interfaces and their usability are improving, but still there is a general perception that we have not reached the top. The linear channels remain still for quite a while ‘the first choice of many people, especially the less young.
Finally, the average speed of Internet connections, both in individual countries (a reference to Italy is not random …) and globally must increase in order to provide the high-quality services, including formats such as 4K. The journey, then, is far from having been completed. But in 2014, it is certain, will be a very important year to shape more and more clear to the television of the future, that will not wait to learn about the enigmatic intentions regarding a certain company that we all know.