There is an easier way to install a virtual machine to savor the thrill of the old classics for desktop operating systems, and that is to try them right inside your web browser.
There was a time in which the various operating systems had the unenviable task of having to run on hardware performance and definitely not when even a basic word processor could bend the overall performance of the entire system. The experience with the first PC is probably linked to memories not own idyllic that have led in many cases to frustration, but at the same time it comes to moments that hardly forget within a passion grown in several decades.
Fortunately, there is a way to revive these memories easier to resume your computer from the basement and hope that comes back on, and it’s just a browser. Some developers have emulated the graphic interface of the various versions of operating systems it retains the behavior based on the performance of the computer at the time. It will not be an experience of use perfectly reproduced bit by bit, but it allows us to enjoy once again the vintage flavor of classic versions of Windows and Mac OS.

We start from Windows 1.01, it is older than the World Wide Web and has an monochromatic. The emulator of allows you to use some of the built-in applications natively, such as Notepad and Paint, Reversi and there is a small recreational pastime. The simulation is set up to ” a clock frequency of 4.77 MHz with 256KB of RAM and a display CGA “, based on the original PC BIOS IBM Model 5160. The emulator does not save any changes made during use.

For lovers of the first Macintosh, on this page you can savor the experience of use of Mac OS System 7, 1991, within an interface that resembles the stylized aesthetic hardware Cupertino. The same site also offers Windows 3.0. Not all projects are made with the same care, of course with some less radical in their implementation and functionality greatly reduced.
Among the operating systems that can be found online also have Mac OS 8.6 on 1999, one of the latest versions before the launch of OS X. The emulation is not entirely usable: the windows cannot be moved, and many features are not operational, the job is done flawlessly the plane graph, giving us a glimpse of the interface used in a pre-Mac OS X.
Much more complete and fulfilling the use of Windows 95 in this emulation, an operating system in the history of Redmond. We conclude our tour nostalgic with two more major versions for Apple and Microsoft: OS X 10.2 and Windows XP. They are a lot more similar to most modern operating systems, we use today, although we could consider Windows XP a ” die-hard “, since it is still used by many users and companies with strong satisfaction.
The site offers many versions of classic popular operating systems, Windows and Mac OS, so I recommend a visit especially users more nostalgic.